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2 Nov 2013

Life a guddle?

The etymology of the word 'guddle' is unknown to me.  However, I am all too aware of its meaning!  Frequently, I find myself in a guddle and, as my wife would readily confirm, my study is in a state of perpetual guddle.

The word means 'confusion', 'mess', 'chaotic'.  However, in my opinion, 'guddle' is a much more expressive word that nay of those (or any other synonym!).

Of course, the real guddle for many is life itself.  They find themselves in a state of permanent confusion - unsure of what they're doing; uncertain of where they're going; sometimes unclear as to what they've really achieved in life.  Some, sadly, turn to drugs (legal or illegal) in a vain attempt to get out of the mess they're in.  Others get caught up in gambling.  Some even take their own lives.

The saddest thing of all is that there is an answer.  It's a completely new start; a clean slate; a fresh beginning.  It's available to all who truly want it.   It costs nothing to receive, because the price has already been paid.  However, when one takes that step, and begins that new life, the cost is everything!

I refer, of course, to the salvation that is available to all of those who come to Father God, confessing their sins and their sinfulness, claiming the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus as the payment for those very sins, and yielding themselves to His Kingship in their lives.  It's seldom an easy life, but it's one in which He takes the guddle, and exchanges it for His peace and Presence. 

That's an offer that is well worth considering!

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